We have a mission and vision
I am a co-founding member of an inspirational group of like-hearted souls called Reconnect Foundation, a non-profit organisation, based in Switzerland.
Reconnect has the mission and vision to establish an innovative approach to transformational, sustainable mental healthcare and holistic well-being without pharmaceuticals and with long-lasting effects.
As Individuals are more disconnected from nature, other humans and themselves, we can begin to see the pattern of separation and disconnection as the root cause of today’s social and environmental problems.

We believe that eco-systemic education and behaviours are the catalysers to evolve new paradigms of sustainable socio-environmental functioning. We are currently exploring the potential of deep consciousness technologies in evidence-based therapeutic settings, that can promote respectful and balanced relationships in healthy individuals to other humans and nature.
What we do
Our team supports the research and development of fresh therapeutic approaches that facilitate transformational experiences and enhance psychological flexibility, mindfulness-related capabilities, and personal development.
We observe a suboptimal efficacy of currently available drugs in mental health care which points towards an unmet clinical need to investigate novel approaches to combine pharmacology and psychotherapy and shift the paradigm from pharmacological substitution to transformational therapy.
How we help
As a step towards creating evidence-based innovation in mental health, Reconnect is currently supporting a multi-year research programme at the University Hospital of Psychiatry in Zurich.
We are investigating the therapeutic potential of plant-based psychoactive compounds within a novel process-based transformational psychotherapy framework. This is based on clinical evidence that the use of psychointegrative compounds in supportive settings can facilitate rapid and sustainable relief from various mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and addictive behaviours.

As a team of professionals with experience in mental health care, integrative medicine, neuroscience, pharmacology, social entrepreneurship and online community building, we have been brought together by a common vision.
We see a future with an innovative, integrated, safe and efficacious holistic healthcare system that enables individuals to reconnect back to themselves, their communities and to nature through the transformation of consciousness.