Dancing through the rainbow bridge of consciousness
Integrated mind-body medicine practitioner, conscious educator, mentor and alchemist
My calling is to empower you to know yourself intimately, realise the meaning and purpose of your existence, and manifest your needs and desires. The keys to these doors of insight and transformation lie within; the clues to where they are hidden lie in your experience of life right now.

“Your visions will become clear only when you look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside, awakes.”
Be the active creator instead of the passive participant
Holding hands, we will dance through your magical multi-dimensional being. Bringing the light of awareness to that which is limiting your consciousness and liberating that which no longer serves, to make space for what is in the highest good of yourself, your life, your service and your community.
We are at a delicate precipice in the renaissance of humanity, moving from the dark ages into the light
We are shifting from the ‘I’ mentality into the ‘We’ and from the egocentric to the altruistic. The Universe is constantly listening to our dreams and wishes, so be conscious of what you wish for. Your thoughts, actions and voice have the potential to both decelerate and accelerate this collective shift.