There are seven steps in the mysterious transmutation of basic life force into the superior elixir of life for longevity and immortality.
All we want is to love and be loved. Yet so many of us are carrying wounds within our hearts that prevent us from giving or receiving love in the way that we want and need.
We have forgotten how to communicate our needs and we have protective mechanisms in place that stop us from receiving the love we need in the now. We find it difficult to love ourselves or others deeply because of emotional pain and energetic blockages we still hold from our past experiences.
Instead of nurturing our feelings of sadness, anger, fear and confusion, we have become accustomed to subconsciously projecting onto others – our resentment, blame, hatred and violence – continuously re-creating the stuck pain. We continue to suffocate with emotional cycles of shame, guilt and judgment creating more separation from our true essence and the love and joy we know is available to us.

Principles of Alchemy
The principles of alchemy are the foundation and guide for your inner exploration and underpin the transmutation necessary for complete rejuvenation and awakening.
The necessary purification by fire to challenge the persona to burn away all the calcified conditioning, ideologies and neurosis so that spirit may awaken again.
The salvaged ashes are purified by water, clearing the life force of the grip of conditioning. As the floodgates to our unconscious waters are opened, we overflow with new awareness.
As the light of awareness on our hidden patterns and feelings grows, we can further refine our psyche by separating our false self from our true self, letting go of attachments to what we think we are. Through the element of air, we find space between the character we play and the awareness behind the character. The witness.
The reuniting of the soul and body after the purification of fire, water and air, and when we begin operating from higher intelligence. Where there is a harmony of the masculine and feminine hemispheres, balance in the heart and mind, and alchemical marriage between the inner king and queen. Equilibrium occurs through embodiment.
A fertiliser for the soul and a process similar to the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into the butterfly. A complete demise of what was created in the previous stage. A complete surrender of the former identity.
The boiling, condensation and descent from the fermented form, to steam to a more refined liquid state. The boiling point at which the denser lower self can transit into the higher Self. Deep humility is required to sever attachments and elevate.
Integration and unification into the embodied ‘I am’ presence. The philosopher’s stone and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The heart is awakened, unconditional love is not a feeling but known as the fabric of reality. The fifth element of the universal life force of Ether is born within us and is the love that generates all. Transmutation into this element facilitates our ascension to higher dimensions.
Healing our wounds
To heal these wounds, we must listen inwards. We have an accurate and innate compass that shows us the way, but as children we were often denied our feelings, dreams, intuition and needs in favour of what our parents or society expected from us. So, as a consequence, we dimmed our own sweet voice. When this process was continuously repeated, we started to doubt our awareness and suppress our instinct and memories that told us otherwise.
Over time, common beliefs such as “what I need is not important, I can’t trust myself, I don’t know what I want, I am not enough, I don’t know who I am”, began to find anchors within our subconscious and inform our actions and thoughts.
The essence of Joy
The essence of the joy in our hearts is nourished through self-love, self-awareness and meaningful connection with others and the planet.
These behaviours create the foundation of a fulfilling happy life full of wisdom, purpose and truth. To access these states, we must feel with an open, honest heart.
Healing our wounds
To heal these wounds, we must listen inwards. We have an accurate and innate compass that shows us the way but as children, we were often denied our feelings, dreams, intuition and needs in favour of what our parents or society expected from us. So, as a consequence, we dimmed our own sweet voice. When this process was continuously repeated, we started to doubt our awareness and suppress our instinct and memories that told us otherwise.
Over time, common beliefs such as “what I need is not important, I can’t trust myself, I don’t know what I want, I am not enough, I don’t know who I am”, began to find anchors within our subconscious and inform our actions and thoughts.
The essence of Joy
The essence of the joy in our hearts is nourished through self-love, self-awareness and meaningful connection with others and the planet.
These behaviours create the foundation of a fulfilling happy life full of wisdom, purpose and truth. To access these states, we must feel with an open, honest heart.
The good news is that we can retrain our awareness to listen to our feelings and embrace the most intimate part of ourselves.
Recognise and welcome
all without judgment or analysis
Have the courage
to be vulnerable
Take off our armour
and allow ourselves to be fully seen, heard and acknowledged
The heart will reveal
that which does not serve us; yet that which our intellectual minds often bypass as normal, acceptable and justified

My guidance in your healing
The first step towards alchemical transmutation into higher consciousness is the recognition of what you are ready to throw into the fire.
With patience and focused intention
during a session, we can track the underlying feelings and beliefs that you have, which trigger the emotions and behaviour that you experience. With awareness and practice, there is more space to illuminate these subconscious programmes and belief systems for yourself. Over time, you can begin operating from this higher intelligence, one that is in more harmony and balance with the true essence of your soul.
This is not a quick fix,
this takes time, practice and faith in yourself. It also requires that ‘you’ willingly let go of the need to protect your identity and trust that the process of dissolution is for your highest good.
It is through this cycle of death,
resurrection and rebirth of the divided ego consciousness that we may have the possibility of ascension into the embodied ‘I am’ presence.
We are not the victims but the creators of our reality.
The Electromagnetic Field
Through the electromagnetic field we are in together, I may be able to feel what you feel and therefore help you identify the beliefs and traumas you hold.

You may have heard a phrase similar to ‘what you experience in life is a reflection of yourself’. Some of this mirroring can be explained through the scientific understanding that your thoughts, attitudes and emotions emit a frequency that affects everyone you come into physical and non-physical contact with. The power and influence of the electromagnetic field of the heart, the most powerful rhythmic energy field of the body, not only affects yourself and your perspective on life but may also affect relationships and experiences in your social environment.
This means that to change our environments and the way we experience life, we must look within.

“Your visions will become clear only when you look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside, awakes”
The Heart is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the Holy Grail, the symbolic end product of inner alchemical transformation uniting our light with shadow, masculine with feminine, and spirit with matter. This sacred centre is where our expression comes into manifestation through the integration of our earthly experiences with our spiritual wisdom.

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional”
Collective Programming
From a broader perspective
As ambassadors of awareness, accountability and personal responsibility, we have been given the honourable task of transmuting ancestral karma so that the cycle stops now, with us. This will prevent our children from repeating the behaviours that our cultures have displayed for decades so that they do not suffer from the projections of the unprocessed pain we have experienced, so that they are free of the burden of outdated patterns and can be free to express the wise loving beings they truly are.
Most of us come to this earth with buckets of personal karma from the life that we have previously experienced.
Also known as programmes or imprints, these karmic ties can be archaic, passed through the womb into our DNA from our ancestral lineage. Others are part of the larger cultural system in which we now live, making it difficult to detach from and to see them as separate from ourselves.
We all function from inbuilt programmes and the challenge is to identify those that need updating, to remove the glitches so that we can function with clarity and efficiency.
So how do we know where to look? To examine ourselves, we consciously shine the light of awareness on that part of our existence where we experience suffering.

Our Deepest Fear
By Marianne Williamson