With over 20 years of professional practice, a treasure chest of tools and an ongoing lifetime of personal development, this path of service has become my dance of life.

I experienced a colourful childhood with many changes.
Seven countries and seven schools immersed me in communities and cultures from Asia, Europe and the Middle East yet the one constant is the knowing that I am here to assist humanity back to the state of Love.
I have been blessed to have met gifted wisdom-keepers and gained valuable teachings along my path; for this, I am so grateful.
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears”
And then you realise that we are all students and teachers.
I know that magic and miracles exist and I know we all have innate magical abilities. My calling is to fully awaken these sacred skills within myself and others.
As a guide and mentor,
I trust in the heart’s voice that shows us the way when we dare to listen. Most days I feel clear, peaceful, present and connected, and in other moments I feel the emotions of past patterns and stories. I remind myself I am human and a constantly piece of evolving art.

With time comes refinement. And no one can say what that will look like. The journey is full of surprises.

The love of my life
In 2011, I became a mother. For the first time, I experienced unconditional love and felt growing love and compassion for my parents as well. I felt out of my depth and like a natural, all at the same time.

The journey has been a rollercoaster, with many lost moments as well as countless precious ones. Through my journey as a mother, I have been forced to be more present and in the flow; my son is my greatest and most humbling teacher.

“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
Set your life on fire”
In September 2017,
we co-founded a private not-for-profit home-schooling project called “Hearts” for children aged 6-10 years old.
This project made my heart feel tender, expansive and abundant. It came out of a necessity to provide my son with a non-dogmatic learning environment that nurtured his soul rather than directed him to fit into society.

Living from my heart
As Dipika, I love to be in the spacious silence of nature.
As a child, I spent my days looking through a microscope and telescope, examining all that we cannot usually see. My current bliss space resides under the ocean, which is why I prefer to live by the sea. The peaceful silent space without the urge to breathe requires full trust and surrender and my space of no-thing-ness.
I am an eternal yogi.
At times I can be over-driven and forget my own needs. Sometimes I identify with the thorny stem of the rose, and other times I resonate with the blossoming heart of the rose itself. I like to say ‘yes’ to an adventure; this nurtures and excites my soul. I continue to ride the waves, embracing whatever they bring whilst feeling the unchanging stillness of my awareness and being at peace within.
The journey continues.

Professional qualifications
- BSc Hons TCM Acupuncture at Westminster, UK
- International TCM Training Programme, China
- ThetaHealing Basic DNA course
- Zero Balancing Core 1 & 2, Alchemy of Touch with founder Dr Fritz Smith
- Diplomas in Swedish Massage, Reiki level 1, Auricular Acupuncture
Holos First Aid Course - Shonishin Paediatric Acupuncture with Stephen Birch
- Obstetric Acupuncture with Debra Betts
- Cosmetic Acupuncture with Amanda Shayle, Acuregen
- Alchemy apprenticeship with J.Erik LaPort
- Anusara Inspired Yoga Teacher with Suzanne Faith, Ibiza
- Stone Medicine, Temple of Stone with Sarah Thomas
- BioGeometry Foundation & Advanced with Dr I. Karim
- Founder of Awake Heart botanical medicines
- Co-founder Genesis Health
- Co-founder Reconnect Foundation, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Switzerland
- Ibiza retreats, Ibiza, Spain
- Private practice, Zurich, Switzerland
- Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary and Holistic Spa Resort, Koh Samui, Thailand
- Co-Founder, Living Juices Vegetarian Juice Bar and Cafe, Koh tao
- Moov and Sabai Sabai, Koh Tao, Thailand
- Light Centre, Belgravia, London, UK
- Baby and Me, London, UK
- Fulham Osteopaths, London, UK
- Sussex Medical Chambers, Brighton & Hove, UK
- Kemptown Osteopathic Clinic, Brighton & Hove, UK
- Mianyang Stomatological Hospital, China